Staying Healthy in Heber – Heber Valley Hospital


They say eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But keeping the doctor away isn’t always the best idea. In fact, experts say the best way to ensure you stay in tip-top health is see your primary care doctor at least once a year.

Because primary care doctors often see your whole family, they have the benefit of knowing your family’s health history. They also perform annual check-ups, which allow them to see any changes in your health year over year. Additionally, a primary care doctor takes care of your overall health and wellness needs and makes sure you get recommended screenings and risk assessments. In the event you need to be referred to a specialist, your physician can help you navigate the complex world of health care.

And if you do need a specialist, the good news is Heber Valley is home to a number of health care experts. The Heber Valley Hospital is an award-winning, full-service hospital offering a wide range of medical services including orthopedic care, imaging services, dialysis, an emergency department, physical therapy, and labor and delivery.

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