Gone Fishing – Northern Utah Summer Fly Fishing

Summer is the renowned season for fly fishing in Northern Utah. Locals, and visitors alike, await in anticipation for the warm pleasant days and sunny skies. The cool mountain air allows for a full day on the water and the rivers and streams carry a plethora of fish.

“My favorite time on the river is during the summertime evening caddis hatch. This is when I learned to fly fish from my father and it always brings back happy memories and feelings.” ~Ben Diamond – owner Fish Heads Fly Shop

Before heading out for the day, stop by Fish Heads Fly Shop and load up on the latest gear and equipment. Since conditions can change mid-season, the staff can also provide you with the latest hot spot and which fly to use. In the local summer waters, brown trout is the most prominent species but there are also plenty of rainbow trout, cutthroat and mountain whitefish.

If you’re just learning to fly fish, hiring an experienced guide is worth the investment. While fly fishing is more challenging than regular fishing, with a friendly qualified guide your experience will be unforgettable. As most anglers will tell you, fly fishing takes dedication and patience but the reward is deep satisfaction and contentment.

So, with summer in full swing, get out as often as you can and as much as you can. Because, as they say, “A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work.”