Fresh Faced – The Simple Look of 2023
By Brandi Christoffersen
Everyday life can cause a bit of a time crunch, which can particularly affect one’s beauty regimen. No need to fret our active readers, for 2023 is the year for fast and easy!
For Starters
A relaxed aura doesn’t require spending hours in a face mask. In fact, all you need is a few focused minutes:
• Begin by slicking your hair back into a tight ponytail or a colorful fabric headband. This timeless style creates a classic, fi nished look.
• Next, prep your face with a gentle exfoliant to smooth over any dry patches.
• Place a drop of sugar scrub on your fi ngertip and lightly apply to your lips. Gently remove the scrub for smooth and soft lips.
• From there, apply a 3-in-1 application of tint, moisturizer and sunscreen to even out your skin tones and provide protection from the elements.
For Some Added Pop
After the essentials are completed, these quick additions will enhance your casual look:
• Wake with puffy eyes? We have a “pro-tip” that really does work! Dab a dollop of Preparation H under your eyes and let it sit for a moment.
• While the dollop is soaking in, keep your kissable lips hydrated by applying your favorite chapstick or lip balm.
(Tinted options add a nice hint of color.)
• Next, play up your brows with a makeup brush. The full, fluffy brow is modern and cool.
• Now, go back to your eyes and tap nude colored concealer under your eyes and on your lids, then even it out with a soft sponge.
Perfect Finish
If you have a few extra minutes, try these extra steps:
• Select one nude tone across eyes and cheeks. This produces a cohesive and flawless look.
• Add a dew highlighting balm around eyes and face to give a soft glow to your skin.
• Brighten your entire face, by blotting a light color to your eyelids and lips.
• Before leaving the house, open your freezer door and let the cold air refresh your entire body.